2020 GW Escalation League

Escalation 2020 is pretty much over.  COVID-19 has seen a complete cessation of all normal life and has placed a serious damper on wargaming for all of us out there.  This however has offered me a tremendous opportunity to sit at my computer and finally restart this blog for the 7th time.

We, or rather the local GW store, ran a pretty successful Vigilus Defiant adjacent escalation league.  This year the new store manager, and good friend, asked me to run the 2020 escalation. Seeing as no one else was really going to do it and how much it seemed people enjoyed it last year I said I would.

Below you will find the resources and general ramblings about the 2020 40K Escalation League.  If you are looking for inspiration on running your own campaign feel free to use these resources as you see fit.



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